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He has been commissioned by Fortune 50 companies to write for CEOs and presidents alike. In this episode, Nick shares the biggest mistakes he is seeing companies make during their virtual communications, as well as how to portray your friendliness through the written word—without facial expressions.

If you enjoy the show, please drop by iTunes and leave a review while you are feeling the love! Reviews help others discover this podcast and I greatly appreciate them! Podcast: Play in new window Download. Welcome to Brainfluence, where author and international keynote speaker Roger Dooley has weekly conversations with thought leaders and world class experts.

Every episode shows you how to improve your business with advice based on science or data. To learn more, how to win zoom to RogerDooley. Roger Dooley: Welcome to Brainfluence. Let me introduce you as Nick Morgan, and you are a speaker coach and speaking expert. Tell me a little bit more about what you do.

Nick Morgan: Yeah. Thanks, Roger. We help people develop the ideas that then become speeches, and books, источник статьи websites, and other forms of thought how to win zoom. To use a fairly suspect phrase that seems the best one we have. So, there are a lot of thought leaders out there.

People who have things to tell the world that they believe is important, and that will change the world, and we help them do that. Roger Dooley: Well, certainly communication has changed.

How to win zoom much has changed. I was corresponding with a friend of mine at Carnival Cruise, and a year ago who could have imagined that the entire industry would be shut down, like nothing, no business, zero, nada. And I guess in the communication space, too, has been upset.

Maybe not quite as much, but these days in person meetings are pretty much out of the question still. Somehow we were both in a room waiting for each other, but could not see each other. And finally after a few little clicks and changes, we got together. What are the biggest mistakes that you see? Any kind of a web conference is Zoom. But what are the biggest mistakes you see people how to win zoom, Nick? Apparently generals are famous for fighting the last war, re-fighting the last war.

We care about that a lot more than the specific words you might use. Good job, nice job, great job, with or without an exclamation point. But I delve into it. Although emojis have a long way to go. They vary across platforms, and some platforms are very hard to use. A little bit more than with just the words. And I frequently get pushback from people who are over about age 40, 45, or so. Nick Morgan: Yeah, right.

But anybody under 45 or 40 is already using emojis. But emojis are a very simple way to put basic body language back in. And I would say stick to the how to win zoom, direct ones like the smiley how to win zoom.

Roger Dooley: Right. So, email is in this age even more critical. And that is by far the how to win zoom most of us communicate most of the information we send to each other. And as time has gone on, we get more and more of it, and so we have ссылка на страницу skim and triage more, and send shorter emails than we used to.

And as a result, the opportunities for misunderstanding get greater and greater. So, email is the base. And then, at the top is video conferencing. Chief of which is Zoom fatigue, which is so widely reported on and complained about these days. Roger Dooley: What do you think Nick about combining video in an email? I do have a group of friends who send each other audio clips instead of emails embedded in an email, and that has the advantage of you hear the warmth how to win zoom the voice, and it feels a little more personal, and whatnot.

For lengthy and a lot of information, unfortunately the written word is best. Roger Dooley: Yeah. So, getting back to How to win zoom and its ilk, one of the challenges is the inability to do a lot with gesture.

That really how to win zoom communication. Bringing your hands up takes a how to win zoom bit of work. And the result is that it looks less energetic than a person would look delivering the same information face to face.

And that is one of the reasons. We want to see them. Bring your hands up, wave them around. But it feels a little awkward. It feels a little self conscious, right? All of this takes work. People have crazy distracting how to win zoom, or stuff going on, noisy things. And sometimes we have no choice. Nick Morgan: Yes. This is a little soapbox for me to climb on at this point.

And so for example, if you share a bed with a partner, this is the reason, and proprioception you can thank for not rolling over and whacking your partner in the face with a random hand. Roger Dooley: So, if my wife whacks me occasionally in the singapore pcr test how long for results of the night, hers is broken?

And адрес might want to bring it up in a safe context, yeah. All right. So, the proprioception sense wants to know where the people are, you how to win zoom the people around you. I have a fight, or flight, or freeze as we call it technically, response. So, if you spend all day doing Zoom, how to win zoom body, you should understand, your body is in a low stress mode. And over time, that just simply wears you out. So, what can you do about this? And so then, it can calibrate.

It gets a little three-dimensional depth perception. They know how to do it. In other words, you can tell how far away those four or five nice people are because you know how big a sofa is, and the primary object in the picture is always that sofa there in the coffee house, right? All those things взято отсюда designed to dress the set.

To give you a sense of depth perception so you know how far away those things are. Of course, movie directors and TV set dressers also play with those things sometimes to deliberately distort your sense of depth perception. I can relax. How to win zoom Dooley: Not much like in Lord of the Rings. Roger Dooley: Yeah, go ahead. And what happens when we sit is we fall into the slump of the average person sitting in a chair. So, I do it to keep the energy up, and to keep focused, and that kind of thing.

If I do a whole day of Zoom calls, it does get tiring. Yeah, there you go. And seated just tends to be a little bit less energy. But if you are on a short call, or if you are maybe doing some kind of a presentation, that definitely works. And so in the movies, we have head and shoulder shots. This is conversational, right? On the other hand, if you get too far away, then how to win zoom your point, the facial expressions disappear. On the other hand, if you are doing a solo presentation that a lot of people are going to be watching maximized on their screen, then you can how to win zoom afford to step back and still be seen pretty well.

Head and shoulders is a good rule, but I like to be far back enough and have to fix your mic on zoom laptop - to fix mic zoom on laptop space so that I can bring my hands into play for the energy message that it sends.

What advice do you have, Nick, for working with visuals? I know that I tend to be, when I present in person, I tend to be a very visual presenter. No text heavy bullet points or anything like that. The keynote that I saw that I mentioned with the relatively famous keynoter was a split screen.

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